N/C Time Records
February 11, 2011
A new feature of Time59 allows users to designate time records as "No Charge".
No charge items will appear on invoices showing the hours and billing rate but with "N/C" in the extended amount column.
Previously Time59 users had to create a special project with a $0.00 billing rate in order to put no charge items on an invoice. With the new No Charge feature any time record for any project can be designated as no charge simply by checking the No Charge checkbox on the time entry form.
In order to use the new No Charge feature you must turn it on for your account. To do this go to "my account > user preferences". Look for the "Allow No Charge Time?" field towards the bottom of the form and set it to Yes. This will cause the No Charge checkbox to appear on the time entry form.
The No Charge box can be checked when you are creating a time record or you can check it for any existing un-invoiced time record.