Here are some quick facts...
"My Time59" is a web-based application that works in conjunction with your main Time59 account.
Each timekeeper in your firm can have their own, private My Time59 account for entering their time and expense activity. My Time59 also features a start/stop timer.
All activity entered through My Time59 is automatically recorded in your main Time59 account.
My Time59 is an optional feature of Time59. You will still be able to use the main Time59 application alone without My Time59.
You can set up an unlimited number of My Time59 users for free.
My Time59 is located at It runs in all mobile, laptop and desktop web browsers.
What are the Benefits My Time59?
My Time59 enhances your firm's security and privacy.
Individual timekeepers no longer need to have access to the main Time59 application which contains information they may not need to see.
With My Time59 deployed, the main Time59 application can become your firm's secure "back office".
How do I get started with My Time59?
The first step is to set up My Time59 usernames and passwords.
This is done in Time59 on the My Time59 User Maintenance form.
You will also want to specify how time tracked with My Time59's start/stop timer is rounded when creating time records.
This setting is located on the My Time59 Settings form.
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