LEDES Invoicing With Time59 - Part 3
This post will discuss how to create the actual LEDES data file that will be transmitted to the client.
On the Invoicing & A/R tab in Time59 you will find two links:
1) LEDES Invoice Preview Report
2) Create a LEDES Invoice File
The "LEDES Invoice Preview Report" will display the time and expense records that will be included on the invoice. It will verify that they have been properly encoded. Any problems will be indicated by error messages and these time and expense records can be corrected. When this report indicates that all time and expense records are properly encoded you can procede with invoice production.
To create a LEDES invoice you first need to create an invoice using the normal Time59 invoice production process.
The final step in LEDES invoice production is to export data from the invoice into the LEDES-formatted file. This will be done using the "Create a LEDES Invoice File" process. This process will allow you to export the LEDES file to your local computer. From here you can email it to the client or upload it via a gateway provided by the client.