Print or E-mail an Existing Invoice

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The Print or E-mail Existing Invoice feature allows you to re-print or e-mail an existing invoice. An "existing invoice" is defined as an invoice that was previously created via the "Create A New Invoice" process.

Printing or E-mailing and Existing Invoice

To print or e-mail an existing invoice, select the client for whom you wish to reprint an invoice and click the Next button. A list of that client's invoices will be displayed. Click on the GO button to select a specific invoice for reprinting or emailing.

You will now be able to specify some options for the invoice...

You can choose an Invoice Footer Format that will allow you to display the client's payments, account balance, and trust account information on the invoice.

If you say Yes to the "Show More Options?" field you will be able to modify certain information on the invoice.

Click Next and the invoice you have selected will be displayed in preview mode. At this point you may simply view the preview, view or print the PDF version, or click the Next button to display e-mailing options.


This process allows you to re-print or e-mail an existing invoice. It also allows you to make a limited number of changes to the invoice including the entering a late charge or interest amount. If you need to change the time or expense records on the invoice you will need to delete the invoice, make necessary changes to time and expense records, and re-generate the invoice.

Additional Information and Help

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