Delete an Invoice

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The Delete Invoice feature allows you to delete an invoice record. Any payments that have been applied to the invoice will be automatically un-applied. You will be able to re-apply these funds to another invoice.

Time and expense records associated with the deleted invoice will NOT be deleted. They can be selected to appear on another invoice.

Deleting an Invoice

To delete an invoice, select the client for whom you wish to delete an invoice and click the Next button. A list of that client's invoices will be displayed. Click on the GO button to select a specific invoice for deletion.

The selected invoice will be displayed in preview mode. If you are sure that you want to delete the invoice, click the Delete Invoice button and the invoice will be permanently deleted from the system.


A common use of the Delete Invoice function is to correct a problem with an invoice that has just been created. Creating an invoice "locks" the time and expense records that appear on it. By deleting the invoice you can "unlock" these items, make necessary changes, then recreate the invoice with the same (but modified) time and expense records.

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