Helpful Hints

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Below are some hints and tips to help you use Time59.

They may answer a question, or help you discover a better way to use Time59 for your practice.

1) If you want to keep the billing completely separate on multiple matters for a client then set up each matter as a separate Client record. Put a reference to the matter in the main "Client / Matter Name" field. You can use the name fields in the "Invoice Address Info" section to specify the client name as it should appear on the invoice. The "Group Code" field will allow you to group multiple client records for reports.

2) If you have multiple timekeepers working on a single matter at different hourly rates then set up the matter as a separate Client record. Then set up each timekeeper as a Project. You can use the timekeepers initials as the project description. When you create the invoice you can change the project column heading on the invoice to "TIMEKEEPER", "ATTORNEY", or something else that describes the timekeeper. Time59 will automatically do the invoice math based on each timekeeper's hourly rate.

3) Do you need to create a fixed amount invoice for a client as quickly as possible? With Time59 you can create an invoice without setting up a project or entering time. Just go to the Invoicing & A/R tab and click on the "Create A New Invoice" button. Enter the information in the "Basic Invoice Information" section. Leave the date ranges for time and expenses blank. A little further down on the page you will see "Flat Rate Line Items". Simply enter your description and amount and click Next.

4) If you want to put a discount amount on an invoice you can do that in Time59. First you need to turn the discount feature on. To do that go to the User Preferences form and look for the "Allow Discount On Invoice?" setting. Set it to one of the Yes options, then click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the form. Now when you create a new invoice you will see Discount Description and Discount Amount settings on the form.